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KOM2002 (question)  Do I need professional help?

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reply ** Re: Do I need professional help? , Gunborg Palme - Leg psykolog - Leg psykoterapeut - Telefon 08-664 60 92 , 22 Oct 2006 22:02
question Do I need professional help? , ****** , 21 Oct 2006 07:22
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Do I need professional help?
From: ******
Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2006 07:22:46 +0200
Language: English


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do I need professional help? (im seriously asking)

I met someone here from my hometown on a Christian website....shed smile at me "youre hot" "drop me a line, ill respond right away" and all the others...

I sent her my email, she messaged me, "my name is Becky blahblahblah, say hi, blahblahblah"....so the next day i did, saying thanks for saying hello, and then invited her to Mass where I play on Sat. evening, gave her my number...and then told her I was leary of corresponding on computers because they always dont relay the correct context, emotion, meaning, etc, and with people you dont know, sometimes the wrong meanings are conveyed...but that being said, I told her dont hesitate to say hello...She emailed back a coule days later, not acknowleding my invitation, my hesitation about computers, nothing...off on a different tangent asking "where did you go to school" "where do you work" all the normal stuff...so the next day i responded in detail, and at the end asked a few non-intrusive ones of my own, "since your single do you attend Mass alone most of the time like I do?" "are there many men on that site from around here? and common ones like that...

About 3 days later, I had noticed she had been on the site a few times, viewing my profile, but had yet to respond to my email...another day passed when i sent her a note "I guess Ive answered your questions in a way that was unworthy of a response....sorry about that..."

Just to let you know Im a very humble, apologetic person, and since I saw that she had been online a few times, checking out my profile, but didnt respond to my email, was convinced that she had no interest in responding....

Thats when she lowered the boom....
and she wrote:
"Actually, I have been really sick, and am still sick with the flu. However, thank you for showing me your temper early on. This has saved me a lot of time that I would have spent getting to know you." (it gets better)

"By the way, I noticed your depression link at the bottom of your email" (which must be an ad included in the server, or was she talking about my "sorry about that?"). "I do have a degree in Psychology, and would be willing to offer you advice. Many times, anger is manifested from feelings of hurt and pain deep down. You don't have to live in pain, there are many options for you, whether it is Psychotherapy, in-patient stay, or drug intervention."

I have been giving this a lot of thought, I thought I was just stating the obvious, that I had not warranted a response, didnt really feel any anger, pain, etc...but since I dont have any Psych. degrees, does my simple sentence apologizing, reveal that I do indeed need psychotherapy? Can Psychologists really assertain so much about a persons demeanor, attitude, life, from one sentence on a computer? Normally I wouldnt give this a second thought, but since she said shes the expert, I thought I would run it by someone else in the field... I wanted to apolgize to her and tell her sorry that I made her feel that way, but was afraid shed think even worse of me...
So doc? whats your professional opinion?
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** Re: Do I need professional help? (Reply to: 84531 from ****** )
From: Gunborg Palme - Leg psykolog - Leg psykoterapeut - Telefon 08-664 60 92
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 22:02:40 +0200
Language: English


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Forget about her and do not take it seriously.

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