Hello, I am 21 years old and seem to have multiple unresolved issues that need urgent fixing. I would like to describe my problem as quick as I can, with the information I have obtained from your website.
I grew up in a home where mild-to-medium physical abuse from my mother occurred almost everyday. (This including daily fights as well). I believe that I am better off than others who were/ are in this position, and lead a rather fulfilling and happy life. However, only when I am separated from my mother. I have roughly translated her violent behavior to be symptoms of OCD, extreme form of anger (possibly mild manic depression), mixed with feelings of superiority, paranoia, etc. I managed to study abroad for 2 years, and that helped tremendously. But I was forced to interrupt a school year due to my mother's aggression/ presence again. I have problems with being assertive, confidence, extreme depression (when I'm not with friends), anxiety in certain situations, traumatic flashbacks, nightmares, unresolved,"bottled up" issues, fear of speaking in public, and trouble looking into people's eyes (and several other problems as well). All of this is very embarassing for me to say, but I know that my mother is the problem, and I am forced to live with her, since I am not financially independent yet. What should a person in my situation do? She on the other hand will not get treatment, and believes the rest of the world is wrong, and remains completely oblivious in regards to her actions. Thank you very much for your time, and assistance. It is greatly appreciated.