Marrying my husband's whole family
Marrying my husband's whole family
Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2006 05:49:58 +0100
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my sister in law told me to my face in front of my husband that I took my husband's love away from her and my husband was standing there when she said it and he didn't say anything to her.We had just moved into her and her husbands guest house on their property from out of state when she turned on me.My husband and I have been married for 8 years and I thought we had a wonderful relationship.I was shocked and I asked my husband if we could move out after this strange outburst from his sister and he said no very firmly.I told him that his sister did not want me there and he then asked me what my plans were.I was devastated and hurt and told him I was moving back home.I told him I wasn't leaving him I was leaving the living situation.He never asked me to stay and I have been home now for 6 weeks and he hasn't called me except once to ask me for money for the phone bill with much anger.I love and want my husband back,but I can't compete with his sister for his love,I am sure I would lose.I know this is a very dysfunctional family but any tools or help would be appreciated.Thank you for your help.There are more things that sister in law did and said as soon as we had arrived there but I won't go into anymore detail.It was terrible!Thanks again susan.
It is hard for anybody to stay married to someone who does not like his family and cannot adjust to them. You do not only marry a husband or a wife, you get their family as well. Your husband needs that you are friendly and cooperate well with his family. Everybody have to be diplomatic in this new and complicated situation.
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