i don't want to hurt anyone
i don't want to hurt anyone
Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2005 04:56:36 +0100
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Because I was abused as a kid I'm worried i might do it to mine if i ever have any, even if i don't mean to. my mum didn't mean to hurt me - she was just messed up and angry and ignorant. i know it's not an excuse, but it does make me worry that i'd have done the same if it was me in her place. maybe i should just resign myself to never having any kids, but that makes me really sad. i would just want to love a kid and not hurt it but i'm not sure i would be able to. It hurts.
Yes, it is more common that people who have been abused, do the same to their children. But it is dangerous to believe that you are bound by your experiences as a child. Since you are aware of the problem, it is possible to make up your mind that you will never hurt a child. Psychotherapy can help you learn to overcome your negative childhood experiences and aid you in living your life in a mature way.