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  About my mental well-being


KOM2002 (question)  About my mental well-being

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reply ** Re: About my mental well-being , Gunborg Palme - Leg psykolog - Leg psykoterapeut - Telefon 08-664 60 92 , 07 Jun 2007 22:32
question About my mental well-being , ****** , 07 Jun 2007 21:52
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About my mental well-being
From: ******
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2007 21:52:48 +0200
Language: English


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I study medicine and I'm in 5th year.

my proplem started 5 years ago at time I graduated from high school.
My first girlfriend has dumped all the sudden with no reasons and she refused to talk to me or even to give a clue why she dumped me. That year I was so sad, even though i was sad, I've graduated from high school with high grade 97%.
Then there were these tests you have to take to be accepted in univesities, in that specific time I felt so bored and started to take tests without studying and pass through it.
The results came up and I was accepted in two medical schools and one oil company.
I've chosen medical school which was in my city, but the other one was in the capital city of my country. So, I started medical studying and i was so depressed because my college was very bad in way we were studying in other colleges because we don't have a building ourselevs.
then came the results of first year and it was so fustraiting
from 97% in high school to 79% in 1st year
and also in the next years, 2nd year was 63%, 3rd 62% with F in anatomy
4th year 63%, and now I'v an F in ENT and the results still progressing.

I want to ask you about this, I feel fustraited and angry all the time even for the little things ,and if I have a test after 10 days I can't study until the night before the test even if I wanted to, why this is happening to me? I don't deserve this ,
please help me with your advice?


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** Re: About my mental well-being (Reply to: 102626 from ****** )
From: Gunborg Palme - Leg psykolog - Leg psykoterapeut - Telefon 08-664 60 92
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2007 22:32:56 +0200
Language: English


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This happens to all medical students. When they are in high school, they are among ordinary students with average intelligence. In medical school you are among very clever students. You are still among the best of the students, which you should be proud of.

Clever students get lazy in high school, as they manage without much studying. In medical school everybody has to work hard. Not studying until the night before the test is not a good idea, as this will make you remember less than if you study every day. Remember that you learn for life and not for the test.

Make a detailed plan with defined achievements to be reached every day, and then ensure that you adhere to this plan when studying.

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