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Global Sleep Assessment Questionnaire

Written by: Martin Winkler
First version: 22 Jul 2008. Latest version: 27 Aug 2008.


Simple questionnaire/screening test may be an aid in evaluating a sleeping disorder.


How could a doctor evaluate my sleeping problems?


A rather simple screening test might help your doctor to evaluate a possible sleeping disorder. Here is a list of 11 questions (Global Sleep Assessment Questionnaire GSAQ):
  1. Did you have difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or did you feel poorly rested in the morning? More
  2. Did you fall asleep unintentionally or did you have to fight to stay awake during the day? More
  3. Did sleep difficulties or daytime sleepiness interfere with your daily activities?
  4. Did work or other activities prevent you from getting enough sleep?
  5. Did you snore loudly?
  6. Did you hold your breath, have breathing pauses, or stop breathing in your sleep?
  7. Did you have restless or "crawling" feelings in your legs at night that went away if you moved your legs?
  8. Did you have repeated rhythmic leg jerks or leg twitches during your sleep?
  9. Did you have nightmares, or did you scream, walk, punch, or kick in your sleep?
  10. Did the following things disturb you in your sleep: pain, other physical symptoms, worries, medications, or other (specify)?
  11. Did you feel sad or anxious?
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