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Addiction and sex

Written by: Gunborg Palme, certified psychologist and certified psychotherapist, teacher and tutor in psychotherapy.
First version: 22 Jul 2008. Latest version: 24 Aug 2008.


Tips to check if you have a sex addiction, and if so how to get rid of it.


Tell me about addiction and sex. Is addiction and sex related? I need to masturbate at least once a day some times two or three times a day while watching porn. I am married my wife known what I do. she has told me a few times to stop cause she gets really upset. She found my porn moves. she told me if I dont stop she will leave me. I love my wife but I need help to stop.


Throw the porn away and make love to your wife instead, if you want to keep her. Remove all porn from your computer. Get porn blocking software to prevent downloading porn through the Internet. A simple porn blocking facility is built into most web browsers. It is found in different windows in different web browsers, in one version of one web browser it can be found in Internet settings->Content->Content Classification.

It is hard in the beginning, but you will get used to it. It is like stopping smoking. Be occupied with something else if your wife does not feel like lovemaking all the time.

Here is a list of alternative things to do instead of masturbating and watching porn.

Sex addiction is similar to drug or alcohol addiction, you are using sex to avoid facing the realities of life. If, instead, you face the realities in life, and learn to handle them, this will give you a true happiness of much more value than the false happiness provided by overuse of drugs and sex.

To decide whether you are addicted to sex or just have a high sex drive, ask yourself if you masturbate or watch porn when:

  1. When you have an unsolved problem.
  2. When you are angry or upset or afraid or confused.
  3. When you cannot get something you need.
  4. When life or people are nasty.
  5. When you think you should do something which is really more important.
If you answer yes to one or more of these questions, you may have a sex addiction.

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