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Herbal Medicine for Anxiety Disorders

Written by: Martin Winkler
First version: 22 Jul 2008. Latest version: 25 Sep 2009.


Herbal medicines can help with anxiety if combined with changing to a less stressful lifestyle. Some herbal medicines, however, can be dangerous.


Is herbal medicine an alternative approach to treat anxiety disorders?


Every therapist knows that most patients with chronic complaints or problems will sooner or later try one typ of alternative or complementative therapy. Most therapists will accept conplementative therapy (=therapy approaches that are used to achieve an additional benefit combined with a conventional treatment options). But it is very important to talk with the therapist about the use of this kind of complementary therapy, because some herbs can cause severe interactions or side effects.

Experts of herbal medicine (Traditional chinese medicine TCM) usually recommend a combination of these methods with a change of life style (reduce stress, relaxation techniques, meditation or to increase positive activies in life). So the use a multimodal treatment approach which is very similar to the psychotherapeutic approach. If you want to combine these therapy methods make sure that your therapist is a qualified expert. Commercial advertisers or some multilevel marketing webpages with nutritional therapy offers are not worth to try.

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