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Other psychostimujlatic drugs with ADD?

Written by: Martin Winkler
First version: 11 Sep 2003. Latest version: 06 Mar 2017.


Who has experience with Captacon for ADHD? Can Modafinil (Vigil) be used for ADHD treatment?


Regular medical treatment for ADHD is usually stimulants such as Concerta, Ritanil and Medikinet Equsyn) and non-regular amphetamines and Dexedrine are also available.

Modafinil is a stimulantic drug which today is used for the treatment of narkolepsi. There is some very limited experience of treament of children and adults with Modafinil for ADHD (some very limited studies have been made by prof. Biederman in the U.S. are known). You should first try the established methods for treatment of ADHD with stimulantia, these drugs are established and have advantages compared to modafini. Modafini may be tried as an alternative treatment if none other works. Captagon is another central stimulants, for which only limitedexpeirence is available.

What is said above also applies to other available stimulants such as AN1.

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