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Gambling addiction information

Abstract: A collection of articles with gambling addiction information, about compulsive gambling its causes and treatment, including medicines against gambling addiction.

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Gambling addiction information

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Written by: Jacob Palme, professor
First version: 22 Jul 2008.
Latest revision: 22 Jul 2008.

Give me gambling addiction information.


When does Gambling Become Gambling Addiction?
Gambling becomes an addiction when you cannot have a budget and stick to it.
Compulsive Gambling Symptoms Test
If you answer "yes" to 7 or more of these 20 questions, then you are probably a compulsive gambler.
Medicines against Compulsive Gambling / Gambling Addiction
Naltrexone was in one study found to be efficient treatment of compulsive gambling. Naltrexone was more effective than SSRI-s, but a combination of Naltrexone and SSRI-s may be even more effektive.
Why do People Keep on Gambling; Why Can They Not Stop Gambling?
Various false beliefs and stimulation through excitement tend to keep people gambling.
Preventing and Treating Compulsive Gambling
This answer gives a list of tips to avoid and handle gambling problems.
Treatment of compulsive gambling
The best way to treat a gambling addiction is to stop yourself. But if this does not help, other help is described here.
RET: Ration Emotional therapy for compulsive gambling
The principle of RET: rational emotive therapy, is the relationship between thinking, feeling and action.
Internet Addiction
How can you become addicted to the internet? What is internet addiction?
The Development of Gambling Problems: How Does a Gambling Problem Arise?
Several phases of gambling addiction are described.
Insomnia caused by gambling
How to stop worries and racing thoughtsabout gambling before falling asleep?
ADHD and patholocial gambling
Some experts of gambling addiction report a very high co-occurrence of ADHD and pathologic gambling,
Causes for addictions
There are similar causes behind all kinds of addictions.
Treatment of addictions
All articles in Web4Health about the treatment of addic tion
Living with a Gambler
Other people often see the problem before the gambler, and can talk to them and explain to them that they have a problem.
Addictions and Drugs
All articles in Web4Health about addictive disorders

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